Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kristen Stewart’s Breaking Dawn Engagement Ring Revealed – Photo

Kristen Stewart’s Breaking Dawn Engagement Ring Revealed - Photo

Finally we get a look at Bella’s Breaking Dawn engagement ring – everyone has been on the edge of their seats anticipating what it would look like.  Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is pictured above with her hand gently resting on Edward Cullen’s (Robert Pattinson) chest as her engagement ring sparkles its magnificent diamond beauty.   What a rock!   Summit Entertainment released several pictures from the upcoming movie,  Breaking Dawn 1,  to get Twihards excited – as if we need any motivation to be excited.

As we get closer to the release of the movie we get trickles of information and  photos.  A couple of weeks ago we got a look at Bella’s wedding ring – actually before we got the see the engagement ring.  So now that we have seen the full ring set we wonder how much of the honeymoon will be revealed.  We also got  our grubby little hands on an awesome sketch of Kristen Stewart’s character, Bella Swan’s wedding dress from the movie!

We have seen the rings, sketches of the dress, next the movie.   Are you excited?  I wonder what tidbits Summit is going to release for us next?

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