Friday, May 6, 2011

Nothing Is Going To Stop Justin Bieber From Going To Japan

Nothing Is Going To Stop Jusin Bieber From Going To Japan

Justin Bieber’s crew got up in arms over a planned two concert tour stop in Japan.  It seems the  crew was afraid of radiation and the effects it may have on them.  Despite the fact that some of Justin’s crew have out right refused to go to the venues in Japan: Osaka and once in Tokyo- Justin claims he is going no matter what.

TMZ has the scoop:

We’re told the crew is still locked in stalemate over the concerts — but the Biebs has decided … he’s hitting Japan with or without his crew.

If Bieber doesn’t have the manpower for stadium gigs — we’re told he’ll take on whatever smaller venues he can … all the way down to homeless shelters.

It is really nice that Justin still wants to perform in Japan but I if I was a member of the Justin Bieber crew I would be nervous to go as well.  I believe the crew should have the choice whether they go or don’t go.  Who knows what effects the radiation will have in the future.   Who knows what the risk of cancer may be in the future will be.

Image credit to WENN

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